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By Michael Kraft

The threat by a group of Senators to filibuster renewal of the Patriot Act may be a bargaining tactic but let�s hope it doesn�t result in the search for the perfect helping kill the good.

The roving wiretaps provision that originally passed in 2001 is extremely important in this age of cell phones and multiple phones. It is modeled after earlier laws that provided authority for investigations in miafia-type crimes Surely that tool is just as important if not more so in dealing with terrorists who may use a variety of cell phones or pay phones.

The provision actually was drafted during the Clinton Administration. I remember taking part in meetings in the 1990�s when Justice Department officials discussed and advocated it in the 1990�s.

The library records feature, which has generated so much emotion, was intended to help determine if a suspect was obtaining material on making bombs or other terrorist weapons/techniques, not to find out a person's taste in ordinary literature or political science books.

An important provision in the 2001 Patriot Act that will expire if the pending legislation is not renewed, broke down the barriers between sharing terrorism-related information between the intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Justice Department officials say this provision has been extremely important in some terrorism-related cases.

Clearly there has been a trend of terrorists inside a country forming ad hoc groups to strike in urban areas � London, Madrid, Casablanca, Jakarta, etc., to say nothing of 9/11. The United States is not immune, maybe just lucky since 9/11. This makes it even more important to maintain investigative tools that can be used on short notice, such as the roving wire taps provision.

We are all concerned about civil liberties and safeguards can be crafted. But those who want to kill the entire bill should keep in mind that getting on a plane, train or working in an office building without being blown is also a civil liberty.


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VIA THE CT BLOG: "The threat by a group of Senators to filibuster renewal of the Patriot Act may be a bargaining tactic but let�s hope it doesn�t result in the search for the perfect helping kill the good. The roving wiretaps pr... [Read More]

» Senators Threaten to Block Patriot Act from Political News and Blog Aggregator
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